just a quick run-down...
Hey, my name is Josue Garcia.
I'm a Senior at the University of Nebraska-Omaha studying Journalism and Media Communications with a Concentration in Creative Media
I'm a professional cinematographer, freelance photographer, designer, and a creative director at CFS Studios.​
As my career continues to grow and skillsets expand, I aim to break my way into a directional debut into the film industry, as well as pass down my experience to aspiring creatives here in Omaha.
Content Strategy Screenwriting Campaign Management Branding
Social Media Editing Filming Photography
Work Experience
Cashflow Stewardship
I'm one of the creative directors for the media branch of CFS STUDIOS. We create content for out clients as well as original content for our YouTube channel of the same name.
Independent Cinematographer
Director of Photography - One Bad Night on 56th and Lake (2021) - Directed by David Tarrell Green
Director of Photography - Everyone Loves Those Boys (2021-current) Dir. David Tarrell Green
Freelance Videographer
Living on Campus & Campus Move-In - University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Nebraska - Omaha
Bachelors of Science in Journalism and Media Communication with a Concentration in Creative Media
expected 2023